Encolpius befreit seinen Lustknaben Gitone aus der Hand von Schauspielern, an die er widerrechtlich verkauft worden war. In einer Eifersuchtsszene zwischen Encolpius und Ascyltus streiten beide um Gitone, der Encolpius verlässt und Ascyltus folgt. In einer Villa in der Nähe von Cumae folgt das `Gastmahl des Trimalchio', eines ungebildeten, neureichen Freigelassenen. An einem Strand werden Encolpius, Ascyltus und Gitone gefangen genommen und auf einer Galeere zur Insel des Caesar gebracht...
Dans la Rome antique, Encolpe et Ascylte, deux étudiants qui cohabitent dans le quartier souterrain de Subure où ils vivent de rapines, se disputent les faveurs de leur jeune esclave Giton. Les trois comparses, tour à tour désunis et réunis, vont vivre différentes histoires au gré de leurs rencontres.
The film opens on a graffiti-covered wall with Encolpius lamenting the loss of his lover Gitón to Ascyltus. Vowing to win him back, he learns at the Thermae that Ascyltus sold Gitón to the actor Vernacchio. At the theatre, he discovers Vernacchio and Gitón performing in a lewd play based on the "emperor's miracle": a slave's hand is axed off and replaced with a gold one. Encolpius storms the stage and reclaims Gitón. On their return to Encolpius's home in the Insula Felicles, a Roman tenement building, they walk through the vast Roman brothel known as the Lupanare, observing numerous sensual scenes. They fall asleep after making love at Encolpius's place. Ascyltus sneaks into the room, waking Encolpius with a whiplash. Since both share the tenement room, Encolpius proposes they divide up their property and separate. Ascyltus mockingly suggests they split Gitón in half. Encolpius is driven to suicidal despair, however, when Gitón decides to leave with Ascyltus. At that moment, an earthquake destroys the tenement.
I protagonisti sono Ascilto ed Encolpio, due giovani scapestrati romani che vivono di espedienti in una Roma imperiale simbolo della decadenza morale dei tempi. Lo sfondo sociologico del film è quello delle nuove classi sociali, come i liberti arricchiti e i cavalieri.
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