Francis, an intelligent and cynical cat, is moved to a gloomy, dilapidated house with his owner Gustav Löbel, a romance writer and architect. The top floor of the house gives off a mysterious and distinctly chemical odor. During Francis's exploratory tour of the house, he discovers the body of a cat who was killed by a bite to the neck. At the crime scene, he meets and befriends Bluebeard, a foul-mouthed, one-eyed and mutilated Maine Coon.
Der schlaue Kater Francis ist neu im Revier. Als er bei einem ersten Erkundungsspaziergang auf einen grausam zugerichteten toten Artgenossen stößt, erwacht sein detektivisches Gespür und er stößt auf die Fährte eines gemeingefährlichen Serienkillers. Gemeinsam mit dem fluchend-gutmütigen Blaubart setzt der intelligente Kater alles daran, den Mörder dingfest zu machen.
Um gato chamado Francis se muda com seu dono para um novo bairro, assim que põe a pata em sua nova casa ele é surpreendido pelo corpo morto de um outro gato, então Francis resolve dar uma de detetive e descobrir o que está por trás dos constantes assassinatos de Gatos daquela região.
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