The film follows a young married couple, Grant and Sofia, living in Los Angeles and looking to start a family. When Sofia, an out-of-work engineer, lands a dream job in her home country of Romania, she convinces Grant to put their plans on hold temporarily. One year on however and Grant, a successful young novelist, struggles to finish his latest book and feels homesick in Bucharest. Sofia on the other hand has flowered into a confident young woman working long hours and struggling to balance her home life and career. When a family crisis forces the couple apart, the physical and emotional distance forces the couple to take a hard honest look at their choices and to confront a decision that could alter their future forever.
Un'ingegnera trova il lavoro ideale in Romania, ma si ritrova in crisi coniugale quando la nostalgia di casa ostacola la carriera nascente del marito scrittore.
Uma engenheira arranja o trabalho dos seus sonhos na Roménia, mas causa uma crise matrimonial com a mudança ao comprometer a carreira autoral do marido.
Asụsụ Igbo
limba română
Português - Portugal