The film begins in 2006 with Satoru Fujinuma, an aspiring manga writer who has his manga once again rejected by his publisher, forcing him to continue working as a deliveryman to support himself. Satoru has the ability to "Rewind", in which he is sent back to a point in the near past to prevent a person around him from enduring a fatal accident. One day, Satoru's mother, Sachiko, stays with him for the weekend. While the two are outside, Sachiko senses a man about to abduct a girl and makes Satoru remember a tragedy that happened 19 years before. Sachiko passes this information to a friend of hers, but when she is alone in Satoru's apartment, she is murdered. Satoru unsuccessfully gives chase to the killer; before he is captured by the police, who accuse him of Sachiko's murder. Satoru's Rewind activates and, to his surprise, he is sent 18 years into the past, back to his elementary school life in Hokkaido.
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