Shack (Ernest Borgnine) is a merciless, inhumane, and sadistic bully, a dedicated Company Man/Railroad Conductor (transportation)#Train conductor (North America) on an Oregon railroad, the Oregon, Pacific and Eastern Railway, during the Great Depression. He takes it upon himself to ensure that no one ever rides his #19 freight train for free, and that anyone who attempts, literally dies trying. Shack has an arsenal of makeshift weapons: several differently-sized hammers, a steel coupler pin tied to the end of a length of rope, a 4-6' chain, and a high pressure steam hose from the locomotive, all wielded with brute force. During the opening credits, he hammers a hobo on the head whom he's found riding between two cars, causing the "bo" to fall down between, & under the cars, onto the tracks, and be cut in two by the train's wheels.
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