Guzmán trabaja en un parque nacional con un grupo pequeño pero comprometido de guardas en alerta, ante la aparición de un animal salvaje que acecha desde la selva. Sara, esposa de Guzmán, es una médica dedicada a la comunidad local. Entre ellos se encuentra un amigo de la infancia de ambos y expareja de Sara. Los celos, las cuestiones no saldadas y las relaciones de poder enfrentarán a los tres hasta llegar a un desenlace sin tregua.
In the missionary jungle, Ismael Guzmán, a seasoned park ranger, patrols the reserve daily in search of poachers. Orlando Venneck is a beloved settler in the area and, like his ancestors, he is a hunter. Sara Voguel, a committed rural doctor, is married to Guzmán and used to be Venneck’s fiancee. Both venerate the mountain in their own way, but a jaguar appears and this generates a confrontation between them. Behind the tourist postcard of the park hides a world besieged by passions, conflicts of interest and fights. The spiral of violence will become inevitable and blood will flow.