Police Officer Alex Kearney (Edwards) is a patrolman in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, a rich plush suburb of Philadelphia until he stops an important businessman and his story of the incident is not believed. He is sent to work Downtown, the most dangerous, crime filled precinct in the city. Everyone there is sure that this 'by the book' suburb pampered cop is going to get himself and whoever is assigned as his partner, killed. Sergeant Dennis Curren (Whitaker) draws the unfortunate 'babysitting' assignment but when Alex's best friend is killed investigating a stolen car, Alex throws the book out the window tracking down the killer.
Молодого неопытного полицейского переводят из тихого, благополучного района в заброшеный квартал, населенный в основном наркоманами, проститутками и другими преступными элементами. Его напарником становится опытный и утомленный жизнью чернокожий полицейский. После ряда столкновений с хулиганами и между собой они нападают на след крупной организации похитителей автомобилей и вступают с ними в борьбу…
Numa delegacia situada numa área barra pesada da Filadélfia, dois policiais são designados para trabalharem juntos. Um é durão, habituado a improvisar as normas, o outro, é careta que não dá um passo fora do manual. Os dois perderam seus parceiros em ação e se culpam pela morte dos colegas.
русский язык
Português - Brasil