Saturnino del Olmo es el "chico para todo" del pueblo. Realiza los trabajos más variopintos, desde poner inyecciones hasta arreglar la campana de la iglesia, y no descansa desde que se levanta hasta que se acuesta. Tanto trabajo anula por completo su apetito sexual, y en el pueblo todo el mundo lo sabe. Lógicamente, al llegar a la cama cada noche sólo desea dormir, cosa que no agrada demasiado a su esposa Elvira, la cual, desesperada, intenta sin éxito mil y un trucos para que se fije en ella. Un buen día, Saturnino recibe el encargo de ir a Madrid a comprar un toro, y con dicho motivo se le conceden dos semanas de descanso en dicha ciudad, las cuales podrá aprovechar de la forma que más le apetezca. Lo primero que hace Saturnino al llegar a su apartamento es meterse en la cama a dormir, pero diversas peripecias le sacan de la cama y le llevan al Show de la elección de Miss España '74.
- Saturnino superstar
- Dormir y ligar todo es empezar
Saturnino del Olmo is the "boy for everything" of the town. He performs the most varied works, from giving injections to fixing the church bell, and he doesn't rest from the moment he gets up until he goes to bed. So much work completely annuls his sexual appetite, and in the town everyone knows it. Logically, when you get to bed every night you only want to sleep, something that does not please your wife Elvira too much, who, desperately, tries unsuccessfully a thousand and one tricks to notice her. One day, Saturnino is commissioned to go to Madrid to buy a bull, and on that occasion he is granted two weeks of rest in that city, which he can take advantage of in the way he most desires. The first thing Saturnino does when he arrives at his apartment is to go to bed to sleep, but several adventures take him out of bed and take him to the Show of the election of Miss Spain '74. It appears before the TVE cameras, and before all Spain, embedded in a sequin suit and kissed by each and ...