のび太は、母親が小屋を部分的に片付けた後、ゴミ箱の中に古いテディベアを見つけ、捨てないように言いました。 ぬいぐるみは、愛する祖母からの貴重な贈り物です。 彼女のことを思い出すと、のび太はドラえもんに、まだ3歳で、おばあちゃんがまだ生きていた頃に連れ戻すように頼みます。
Nobita finds his old teddy bear among the trash after his mother partially cleaned up their shed and tells her not to throw it away. The stuffed animal is a precious gift from his beloved grandmother. Reminiscing about her makes Nobita ask Doraemon to take him back to when he was still three years old and his grandma was still alive.