Мультипликационный фильм по армянской сказке Ованеса Туманяна с использованием стихов Самуила Маршака о том, как пес-бедняк заказывает коту-скорняку шапку, но несправедливый Козел-судья присваивает ее себе и берет под свою защиту Кота.
The simple-minded dog took out a sheep's hide and carried it to the cat to make him a hat. The cat took up work. All was well, until the goat looked into the cat's shop and saw the dog's hat sewn. The cat did something bad when, for the sake of personal benefit, he had to give the hat to the goat. The goat was too capricious, when he was offered the other hats, and he wanted exactly dog's hat, so he paid the cat and took the hat. The dog came on the appointed day for his hat. The cat was waiting for him and when he saw him, he locked up the door. The dog came next day, looked, that the door is locked again, turned around and left, and it happened every time a dog came. The next spring came, at last the dog found the cat and began to swear with him. This film has a sad ending.
русский язык
українська мова
Basa Sunda