The Digital World is becoming so overpopulated that the super computer Yggdrasill who governs the Digital World can no longer handle it. Its solution is Project Ark: to wipe out most of inhabitants with the X Program. Yggdrasill chooses a very small percentage to be moved to a new Digital World and then proceeds to destroy the old one. Some Digimon who were not chosen survive anyway, and they move to the new world with a rare gift known as the X Antibody; this antibody changes their appearance and makes them more powerful, while at the same time making them immune to the X Program. No longer in control, Yggdrasill uses the Royal Knights to destroy these X-Digimon, who are outcasts in the new Digital World.
The Digital World is becoming so overpopulated that the super computer Yggdrasill who governs the Digital World can no longer handle it. Its solution is Project Ark: to wipe out most of inhabitants with the X Program. Yggdrasill chooses a very small percentage to be moved to a new Digital World and then proceeds to destroy the old one. Some Digimon who were not chosen survive anyway, and they move to the new world with a rare gift known as the X Antibody; this antibody changes their appearance and makes them more powerful, while at the same time making them immune to the X Program. No longer in control, Yggdrasill uses the Royal Knights to destroy these X-Digimon, who are outcasts in the new Digital World.
- Digimon X-Evolution
- Digital Monster X-Evolution:13th Royal Knights
너무 늘어나버린 디지몬들의 수로 디지털 월드의 용량이 초과되기 시작해 디지털월드의 멸망인 디지털 해저드가 일어날 위기에 처하자 호스트 컴퓨터인 이그드라실은 뉴 디지털월드(이하 NDW)를 만들어 실험에 필요한 선택받은 디지몬들만 이주시키고 나머지 디지몬들은 말소하기로 결정한다.
העולם הדיגיטלי כבר מאוכלס יתר על המידה בשביל המחשב המארח אותו, יגדראסיל. לכן יגדראסיל מחליט להפעיל את תוכנת האקס - תוכנה שמוחקת את כל הדיג'ימונים מלבד כמה בודדים נבחרים. מה שהוא לא ידע שיקרה, זה שכמה דיג'ימונים ישיגו נוגדן לתוכנה שלו, ויצליחו גם להגיע לעולם החדש. דורומון, דיג'ימון בעל נוגדן האקס, מגיע אל העולם החדש בו רק מתנכלים לו. הוא רוצה לדעת למה הוא חי, למה כולם צריכים להמחק, ולמה האבירים המלכותיים שהם מגני הרשת עומדים לצדו של יגדראסיל הנוראי.
O X-Digimon, um novo tipo de Digimon, é caçado pelos cavaleiros reais que protegem o mundo digital. Seu mestre, o superintendente da rede Yggdrasil, pretende pôr em prática o Projeto Arca de renovar o mundo digital e criar novo Digimon, mas à custa de todos as outras vidas digitais. X-Digimon vai buscar as respostas para sua própria existência enquanto tenta proteger a vida de todos os Digimon, de um jeito que vai mudar o mundo digital para sempre.
Português - Brasil