Que l’équitation contribue à renforcer le dos ou à acquérir un meilleur sens de l’équilibre est indéniable. Mais sa pratique peut-elle délivrer de souffrances physiques et psychiques avérées ? Les membres de l’association e.motion de Vienne voudraient faire reconnaître les vertus de l’"équithérapie". Ils œuvrent à l’hôpital Otto-Wagner, qui possède seize chevaux. Quatre cents patients y sont accueillis chaque année et bénéficient d’un suivi de deux ans.
It is well known that it is healthy to sit on a horse. Riding strengthens the balance and reduces postural damage. But attributing healing powers to horses sounds pretty daring. This is the difference between the spirits. And the healing effect is not only questioned by health insurances. But more and more therapists, scientists and doctors want to clear these doubts out of the way. Because it's their experience that horses can enable healing and that the therapy is extremely effective, both physically and psychologically. In this field of tension moves the very touching and sensitively filmed documentation.