"O Gott, mein Leben gehört dir. Nimm es und töte mich als Märtyrer!" Mohammed Atta, 3 steuerte am 11. September 2001 die größte Handwaffe der Menschengeschichte. Um 8 Uhr 46 Minuten und 40 Sekunden schlug das Flugzeug in den Nordturm der Twin Tower in New York ein.
"Nine Eleven" wurde zum Inbegriff des Terrors. Es war der erste Terroranschlag, der die USA auf eigenem Boden traf. Wer waren die Selbstmordattentäter, die so bereitwillig ihr Leben opfern? Verlangt der Koran wirklich den "heiligen Krieg"?
The documentary team researched the trails of both the suicide pilots of 911 as well as the London assassins of July 7, 2005. An attempt is made to recreate the daily life of the terrorists and to understand why they and other islamists became murderers. The documentary was shot and researched in Yemen, Marocco, England, Italy, France, Germany and the Unites Arab Emirates. During the research video material was uncovered that has not been publicly seen before. The material includes islamic propaganda videos from around the globe as well as exclusively the recording of a hate-sermon from a hamburg mosque. The Preacher is Iman Mohammed Fazazzi, widely regarded to be the most dangerous of the islamic preachers. The documentary uncovers that the hamburg suicide pilots of 911 were influenced by Mohammed Fazazzi, and shows what they heard before they became murderers.