High school student Eddie (Jacob Zachar) reports to after-school detention at Lincoln High School. Upon arrival, Eddie sees a few familiar faces: Janet (Christa B. Allen), a cheerleader whom he has a crush on; Brad (Jayson Blair (actor)), a jock and high-school football player who bullies Ed and plans to join the ROTC; Jimmy (Max Adler (actor)), another football player/jock who also bullies Eddie and is good friends with Brad; Ash (Justin Chon), a happy-go-lucky stoner; and Eddie's best friend Willow (Alexa Nikolas), a goth who shares with him a love for zombie movies. During detention, Ash attempts to sell drugs to Mark (Joseph Porter), a quiet student in detention. Ash quickly realizes Mark is unwell and alerts Mrs. Rumblethorp (Michele Messmer). However Mark becomes aggressive, biting Mrs. Rumblethorp and forcing the group to evacuate the detention room.
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