Dark Touch

Eleven-year-old Niamh (Missy Keating) and her family live in an extremely small and isolated community in Ireland where her only contact with other people comes in the form of school and her neighbors Nat (Marcella Plunkett) and Lucas (Pádraic Delaney). She claims that their house is coming alive but when Nat and Lucas discover Niamh bruised and bloody, her parents say that Niamh herself is causing the destruction. Niamh is later discovered as the sole survivor of an extremely violent attack that killed everyone else in the house. She tells the police that the house is responsible for her parents' deaths and for her infant brother's suffocation in her arms, but the police attribute the massacre to vandals. Niamh's neighbors decide to take her in and try to help soothe her pain, but they soon find that whatever caused the problems in Niamh's old house are now beginning to present themselves in their home.

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