Реальная история Рона Вудруфа, техасского электрика, у которого в 1985 году обнаружили СПИД. Врачи отвели ему всего 30 дней, но он не пожелал смириться со смертным приговором и сумел продлить свою жизнь, принимая нетрадиционные лекарства, а затем наладил подпольный бизнес по продаже их другим больным.
In July 1985, Dallas electrician and rodeo cowboy Ron Woodroof is diagnosed with AIDS and given 30 days to live. He initially refuses to accept the diagnosis but remembers having unprotected sex with a woman who was an drug injection user a couple years prior. He is soon ostracized by family and friends who mistakenly believe he contracted AIDS from homosexual relations, gets fired from his job, and is eventually evicted from his home. At the hospital, he is tended to by Dr. Eve Saks, who tells him that they are testing a drug called zidovudine (AZT), an antiretroviral drug which is thought to prolong the life of AIDS patients—and is the only drug approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for testing on humans. Saks informs him that in the clinical trials, half the patients receive the drug and the other half are given a placebo, as this is the only way they can determine if the drug is working.
Ron Woodroof, um eletricista heterossexual de Dallas, foi diagnosticado com AIDS em 1986, durante uma das épocas mais obscuras da doença. Embora os médicos tenham lhe dado apenas alguns meses de vida, Woodroof se recusou a aceitar o prognóstico e, procurando tratamentos alternativos, ele passa a contrabandear drogas ilegais do México.
1986, Dallas, Texas, une histoire vraie. Ron Woodroof a 35 ans, des bottes, un Stetson, c’est un cow-boy, un vrai. Sa vie : sexe, drogue et rodéo. Tout bascule quand, diagnostiqué séropositif, il lui reste 30 jours à vivre. Révolté par l’impuissance du corps médical, il recourt à des traitements alternatifs non officiels. Au fil du temps, il rassemble d’autres malades en quête de guérison : le Dallas Buyers Club est né. Mais son succès gêne, Ron doit s’engager dans une bataille contre les laboratoires et les autorités fédérales. C’est son combat pour une nouvelle cause… et pour sa propre vie.
La storia vera di Ron Woodroof, un elettricista/cowboy ribelle del Texas al quale, nel 1986, viene diagnosticato l’AIDS, con una prognosi di pochi giorni di vita. Frustrato dalla mancanza di opzioni mediche disponibili e tutt’altro che rassegnato a questa sorta di condanna a morte, Ron trova un’ancora di salvezza nei farmaci alternativi e in un mix di vitamine di sua invenzione. Entra così in contatto con altri ammalati e familiarizza con loro, superando l’iniziale omofobia e ritrovandosi al centro di un cospicuo business di contrabbando. Inizia così una tesissima partita a scacchi con la legge che vieta i farmaci da lui usati e con la polizia.
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