The story will depict Joe Shimamura and the other cyborgs' struggle with the Bresudo, a group of people who possess superhuman powers and intellect, and have manipulated human history since ancient times. Their goals are unknown, and they cast a dark shadow over the world. Though few people believe in the Bresdo's existence, one American journalist named Lucie Davenport heads to Texas to contact a certain family, and she meets the cyborgs. The cyborgs themselves have been freed from their duty of protecting humanity ever since the establishment of the UN Guardian troops, and they now live quiet lives of peace.
早自远古时期,人类便被智商远在他们之上的神秘超能力集团“Blessed”所操纵。他们深藏黑暗之处,不着痕迹地左右着人类乃至地球的历史,在世界各处制造祸端与危机。当然人类中不乏有识之士,早已意识到Blessed的存在和危险。这一日,女记者露西·达芬波特来到美国德克萨斯州, 拜访了住在那里的再造人岛村乔(河本启佑 配音)及其伙伴们。在Blessed蓄谋制造更大危机的当下,再造人们注定要结束他们的隐居生活……