Una banda de surf rock y un grupo de bailarinas agogo llegan por error a la ciudad de Azul para animar un acto político en el Salón de la Sociedad Rural. Bajo el liderazgo de la manager y el dealer local, los extranjeros se atrincheran, dispuestos a enfrentar a los curas zombis, pero el dueño del lugar tiene otros planes.
Easter ceremony commemorates Christ's death and resurrection. But when his blood contaminates Azul's cemetery chapel's holy water, the reverend and his flock literally die and later resurrect with an urge to eat the pagans. Meanwhile, a surf rock band and three go-go dancers arrive at the city to replace another group and host a political rally at the rural society's decadent hall. Under the band's manager and the local dealer's leadership, the outsiders entrench themselves ready to face the zombie priests, but the evil owner of the place has other plans in mind.