Мальчик из высшего общества живет с матерью и тетей в готическом особняке. Однажды он находит мать мертвой в ванной. Все думают, что она покончила с собой. Мальчик переходит под опеку тети, таинственным образом он начинает болеть без причины.
A high class boy lives with his mother and aunt in a gothic mansion. One day he finds his death mother, laying in the bath. Apparently she killed herself. The boy starts to live under his Aunt's custody, mysteriously he starts to get sick for no reason. Suddenly the spirit of his dead mother starts to hunt him, all in order to reveal him the truth. She was murdered by the Aunt, and now she's is trying to get rid of him by poisoning him all to keep the family heritage.
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