1948年冬,上海林森路仁康里23号的二层石库门老房。该房本属于报馆校对孔有文(魏鹤龄 饰),抗战时期被汉奸侯义伯(李天济 饰)霸占,孔由房主沦为房客。抗战后,侯摇身一变,成为南京国防部科长,每周六到上海“买进卖出”。除孔之外,小商贩萧老板(赵丹 饰)一家和中正第一中学教员华洁之(孙道临 饰)一家也是这里的房客。三家房客相聚商议,却不齐心,只得各谋出路。 华到学校求房,因不愿出卖朋友而拒绝了校长(李保罗 饰)的拉拢,不久便因罢教事件牵连被捕。华妻(上官云珠 饰)四处奔走无果,无奈向侯求助,侯却趁机勾引。 孔找房未果,无处可搬。侯买通流氓(章志直 饰),连打带砸。 萧向侯借高利贷“轧金子,顶房子”,先被众人围殴,随后金价上涨,鸡飞蛋打。 三家房客走投无路,终于团结起来与恶势力抗争。
At a Shanghai apartment, Mr Hou, a Nationalist official, gets ready to move to Taiwan upon the imminent defeat of the KMT during the Civil War. Mrs Hou gives an ultimatum to the rest of the tenants to move out on behalf of her husband, who is the "owner" of the flat and who is now planning to sell it. From the conversations with the rest, we find out that Hou has been a Hanjian during the Sino-Japanese War and that he has since taken over the apartment by force from the old landlord, Mr Kong. The tenants, including Mr Kong, Mrs Xiao, Little Broadcast (alias Mr Xiao, played by Zhao Dan) and a schoolteacher, Mr Hua, and his wife, initially plan to band together, but circumstances force them to find other ways out. Mr Hua tries to find a place to stay at the KMT-sponsored school he is teaching in. Little Broadcast and Mrs Xiao invest in black market gold. As the situation escalates, Mr Hua gets arrested by KMT agents and his young daughter falls desperately ill.
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