Following the events of its The Detective 2, where Chan Tam (Aaron Kwok) discovers that his parents were murdered. Determined to find his parents' murderer, Tam takes a photo with him as a clue and travels to Malaysia and looks for Brother Chai (Chen Kuan-tai). Chai reveals to Tam that his parents were drug traffickers and their death is also drug-related, telling him that he can obtain more clues from Uncle Bo (Leung Nga-ko) and Fai (Ah Niu). Tam was unable to accept the fact that his parents were drug traffickers. Later, Tam's house was burglarized, where an object sitting in a dark shelf went missing. Tam suspects the object to be an important piece of evidence that is related to the death of his parents. Being a complete stranger in a foreign country, Tam hires a local private detective, Cheng Fung-hei (Nick Cheung), to assist him in the investigation.
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