Compiler and Assembler have been given 3 days to return the the 2-D world. If they do not return the council has sworn to destroy it. How will the they spend their last days on earth. Will they be able to confess their love. If only things were that simple. Now a mysterious character is eliminating other individuals from the 2-D world. Can Compiler and Assembler stop this new fiend and be together with those they love.
该漫画的第三个OV版本基于起亚朝宫(Kia Asamiya)。导演将由村山靖(Yasushi Murayama)按照先前的作品《太阳的章节》发送。 3D世界中的例程应在3天内返回。如果您拒绝,地球将消失。电子尺寸理事会的决定太突然了。除此之外,发送给编译器的暴徒还与有史以来最强大的对手保持联系...