Příběh mladého a drogově závislého Jakuba, jenž se nemůže smířit se smrtí své kamarádky Věry a domnívá se, že za ní stojí boss místního podsvětí. V touze po pomstě je ochoten udělat cokoliv, proto se svým kamarádem Radkem vymyslí plán, jak se překupníkovi drog zatrhnout tipec...
Young Jakub, whose true love Vera has been killed, is convinced that the regional mafia boss was responsible for her death. Jakub is a junkie and occasional drug dealer, but is fighting his drug dependence and wants to avenge his girl's death. The time for revenge is arranged for the fancy-dress party at the ZOO night-club, but at the key moment Jakub finds himself incapable of shooting the man he believes to be the murderer, and has to flee. However, he discovers a witness who is able to clarify the circumstances of Vera's death, and the story reaches its fateful denouement.