치하야는 전국 선수권 대회에 도전하며, 아라타와 만나지만 마음을 어떻게 전해야 할지 알 수가 없다. 갈등이 깊어지며 가루타 게임을 제대로 치룰수나 있을지 자신감은 점점 없어지는데. 파릇한 청춘들의 가루타 게임, 그 결과는?!
きみがくれた情熱 今、きみのために戦う
Qualifiée pour le championnat national de karuta, l’équipe du lycée Mizusawa emmenée par Chihaya et Taichi est cependant en proie à de nombreux doutes. Taichi essaie de monter en grade secrètement tandis que Chihaya s’est trouvée une rivale personnelle en la personne de Wakamiya Shinobu et passe donc son temps à s’entraîner seule contre des gauchers, négligeant la compétition par équipe. Devant le drame vécu par leur ancien ami Arata, Chihaya et Taichi vont cependant reprendre conscience de l’importance de l’esprit de groupe dans leur discipline.
After successfully won the Tokyo qualifying tournament, Chihaya and her friends are set to go on to the nationals. As they prepare, Chihaya is faced with new personal issues as her childhood friend and inspiration, Arata, has announced that he has quit competitive karuta. Not only that, but a new rival emerges in the reigning female champion karuta player, Shinobu Wakamiya, a karuta prodigy who became the nation's and the world's greatest female karuta player as a 9th grader. All of this forces Chihaya to reexamine her love of the game in the midst of preparing for one of the biggest tournaments of the year.