Edison (Carrot Top) is a poor, failed inventor and surf bum, but soon runs into and befriends wealthy business magnate Armand McMillan (Jack Warden). When Armand passes away shortly thereafter, he leaves Edison the majority of shares in his large invention corporation, and leaves Bradford (Larry Miller (entertainer)), his jealous nephew and only living relative, a surfboard as his only inheritance. Bradford attempts to derail Edison's success by stealing his formula for non-toxic Phosphorescence gunge and sharing it with a consumer who covers himself in it and alleges that Edison's prize invention—a portable TV/TV dinner combo—leaks radiation. When Edison reveals the truth (and proves it with another invention), the company is saved, Bradford is arrested, Grace Kosik made a deal with the company and she will testify against Bradford, and Edison appoints his girlfriend Natalie Stockwell (Courtney Thorne-Smith) to run the company.
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