Sosa is a lawyer recently expelled from the bar association who works as an ambulance chaser - known as "southern crested caracara" in Argentina - touring the emergency departments of the public hospitals and the police stations, in search of potential clients for his barely-legal law firm. One night he meets Luján, a young doctor recently arrived from the provinces trying to get an internship as a surgeon. The two start a romantic relationship that is threatened when Sosa breaks his association with his corrupt boss. When Sosa is about to get back his attorney registration (and while making amends for his bad deeds) he and Luján are attacked by former partners of the firm, initiating an escalation of violence.
Cada año mueren en Argentina más de ocho mil personas, y detrás de cada una de esas tragedias existe una industria floreciente basada en los pagos de los seguros y resquicios legales. Sosa es un abogado que recorre los hospitales públicos y las comisarías en busca de potenciales clientes. Luján es una joven doctora que acaba de llegar a Buenos Aires. Una noche sus destinos se cruzan cuando coinciden en un accidente.
Português - Portugal
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