The film begins with dedicated housewife Madhura (Madhuri Dixit) cooking a custom-made meal for each of her family members (husband Mohan (Sumeet Raghavan), daughter, son, in-laws and grandmother-in-law). She is clearly shown to have dedicated her entire existence towards keeping her family happy, from sunrise to sunset. It is revealed that Madhura received a heart transplant a few months ago, and she traces the donor to a 20 year-old girl called Sai. Madhura feels obliged to show her gratitude and visits Sai’s parents (played by Renuka Shahane and Milind Phatak) and her twin brother, Salil (Sumedh Mudgalkar) at their home.
Après avoir subi une greffe du cœur, une femme au foyer de 40 ans décide de réaliser toutes les choses que sa donneuse de 20 ans voulait faire avant de mourir.
Português - Brasil