雨季降至,为了避免塌方,熊大(张伟 配音)带领着动物们开始加固堤坝,然而,动物们对此很不上心,偷懒的偷懒,逃避的逃避,令熊大很是生气。一场意外中,泥石流袭来,熊大被冲走了,当它醒来之时,发现自己竟然身处一间马戏团之中。熊大利用自己的实力获得了留在马戏团里表演的资格,并且很快就成为了当红的动物明星。
随着时间的推移,被名声和荣誉冲昏了头脑的熊大渐渐忘记了想要回到森林之中的念头,他和马戏团团长黑猩猩亦产生了心心相惜的友谊。熊二(张秉君 配音)找到了熊大,希望熊大能够跟它回家,因为森林里的动物们一个接着一个神秘失踪了,然而熊大却拒绝了熊二的请求,继续做着它的明星梦。
A story of friends old and new, of being lost but most importantly being found; The Big Top Secret follows Briar as he is whisked away from the home he knows and plunged head first into the ranks of a traveling circus. The struggling circus, led by Hugo the Gorilla, is on its last leg and in desperate need of a boost. Frustrated with his brother, Bramble, and the rest of his forest friends, Briar finds a new and welcoming home among Wolfgang's Big Top. Briar brings life back to the circus and quickly finds happiness in his new life filled with new friends and fame. While rising to the top has its benefits, it also comes with a price. After searching high and low, Bramble and his forest friends are thrilled to have found their lost Briar, but Briar is not so sure that he wants to be found. He doesn't want to leave his perfect new life at the big top but even the most perfect-seeming things have dark sides. Through trials and chases and trains, all of the animals learn what it is to belong and the true meaning of family.
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