故事发生在地处偏远的贫穷山村之中,少女红杏(孔琳 饰)还未真正迎来自己的美好青春年华,便被两个哥哥李平娃(赵军 饰)和李狗娃(解衍 饰)以“换亲”的方式许配给了村里的万元户张强国(龚朝辉 饰)。新婚之夜,张强国指责红杏并非处女之身,将她退了回去,并且强行带走了作为交换的姐姐。愤怒的李平娃将红杏暴打一顿,却问不出个所以然了。平日里,小学教师李明光(胡亚捷 饰)和红杏交往甚密,李平娃觉得一定是这个衣冠禽兽夺走了红杏的贞洁,于是发出了“杀人预告”。然而,由于李平娃兄弟两人平日里懦弱无能,所以并没有村民相信他们会真的将威胁付诸于行动,悲剧就这样发生了。 ©豆瓣
Freely adapted from Gabriel García Márquez's Chronicle of a Death Foretold, the film follows the investigation of a local teacher's murder in a small and desperately poor rural village, the story of the crime gradually pieced together from the fragmented memories of witnesses forced to testify at an inquest. Sharing with her Fifth Generation colleagues Chen Kaige and Tian Zhuangzhuang a remarkable eye for the barren landscapes of northern China and a fascination with small-town life — especially those enduring superstitions that Communism failed to erase — director Li Shaohong also introduces several formal innovations, particularly in storytelling structure, that remain unprecedented in Chinese cinema.