Chazz e Jimmy, dois rivais da patinação no gelo, são banidos das competições por causa de suas brigas. Ao encontrarem uma brecha no sistema, voltam aos ringues para tentar conquistar mais uma medalha. Porém, desta vez eles vão ter que deixar as brigas de lado e trabalharem juntos.
At the 2002 World Winter Sport Games, rival single skating Chazz Michael Michaels, a skillful skater but raunchy sex addict, and Jimmy MacElroy, an equally talented but sheltered and effeminate skater, tie for gold. From the start, the two skaters are clearly polar opposites with different backgrounds; Chazz grew up on the streets of Detroit and is a self-taught skater, while Jimmy was adopted by Darren MacElroy, a wealthy man who adopts children showing stupendous athletic ability. While standing on the awards podium after both skaters tying for gold, the two have an argument that escalates into a fight and ends with the World Games mascot being accidentally set on fire. As a result, the National Figure Skating Association strips both men of their medals and bans them from men's singles competition for life. Jimmy's competitive adoptive father, billionaire Darren MacElroy, immediately Disownment him and leaves him stranded on the side of the road.
Chazz e Jimmy, dois rivais da patinação no gelo, são banidos das competições por causa de suas brigas. Ao encontrarem uma brecha no sistema, voltam aos ringues para tentar conquistar mais uma medalha. Porém, desta vez eles vão ter que deixar as brigas de lado e trabalharem juntos.
Hokkarihemmot on ratkiriemukas kultamitalikomedia, jonka pääosissa loistavat koomikkotähdet Will Ferrell (Talladega Nights) ja Jon Heder (Dynamiitti Napoleon). Kilpakumppanit Chazz Michael Michaels (Ferrell) ja Jimmy MacElroy (Heder) tappelevat päädyttyään jaetulle ykkössijalle taitoluistelun MM-kilpailuissa ja saavat elinikäisen kilpailukiellon miesten yksinluisteluun. Kumppanukset löytävät kuitenkin porsaanreiän, jonka avulla he pääsevät jälleen kilpajäille – pariluistelussa. Muissa osissa Craig T. Nelson, Will Arnett, Amy Poehler ja Jenna Fischer.
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