Bhavani (Sneha (actress)), an honest police officer in Hyderabad, is posted as Assistant Commissioner of Police in Tirunelveli upon the request of the Tamil Nadu government. The town is controlled by Sivalingam (Kota Srinivasa Rao), a baddie and aspiring politician who indulges in all unlawful activities. Bhavani resolves to put an end to all his acts. Meanwhile, Surya (Sampath Raj) voices against Sivalingam. As it happens, Sivalingam's son Ranjith (Aryan (actor)) plays spoilsport in the life of Bhavani's sister Deepa (Yasmin Khan). Efforts to prove him guilty by Bhavani end in vain. Now, a conspiracy is hatched by Bhavani in the company of Surya, and Ranjith is killed. An enraged Sivalingam takes Bhavani head-on. Sivalingam vows vengeance, and what happens from there forms the rest of the story.
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