Maria Lehmann er en kendt skuespillerinde, gift med en travlt optaget forretningsmand. De har et smukt hjem - som de bare aldrig har tid til at opholde sig i. Og de har en yndig lille datter, Lene, der intet savner - undtagen kærlighed fra sin far og mor. Både Maria og hendes mand holder af deres datter, men de har altid alt for travlt til at vise det. Uden at de aner det, føler Lene sig mere og mere ensom og trækker sig ind i sin egen lille verden.
The Danish Ingen tid til Kaertegn (Be Dear to Me) is heavily reliant on the appeal of its star, 8-year-old Eva Cohn. Our heroine is the neglected child of a businessman father and actress mother. Feeling that happiness lies well outside her own backyard, Eva goes on a search for that happiness. The longer she stays away, the more her parents realize that they've unfairly ignored her. The plot is nothing new: it's what is done with it that pleases the eye and ear. Ingen tid til Kaertegn was one of the more popular entries in the 1957 Berlin Film Festival.