娱乐圈王牌经纪张天胜(杜汶泽饰)欲将外形酷似天后歌手Nana(叶一茜饰)的叛逆少女林冰琪(赵美彤饰),打造成Nana的替身,故对其步步紧逼。林冰琪不堪其烦,多次设计躲避,却反而落入文化投资者王一拓(巫刚饰)的蓄意阴谋之中,后者更索性以绑架之方式强行请林冰琪以Nana之名义代言自己品牌。 为彻底摆脱Nana替身之困扰,林冰琪反撮合王一拓与盗版唱片业教父牙哥(孙兴饰)合作,正式与张天胜及Nana划清界限。林冰琪此举引起多方猜疑,张天胜更是隐约察觉到林冰琪与天后Nana之间有着鲜为人知的过往。 一场光鲜娱乐行业背后的黑幕悄然袭来 。
Lin was unknowingly casted as a body double for Nana (a diva under prolonged hospitalization) in order to dispel fears and to help revive Zhang Tiansheng's dying music company which signed Nana. Lin ran away after learning that she was only meant as a body double, only to be kidnapped by a garment factory owner (Wang Yitou) who mistook Lin for Nana. Wang's business was failing and he needed a famous singer to act as a spokesperson, by singing a song for his company in order to save his business. Hence, begins an intertwined story of mistaken identity, reconciliation with truth, hopes, trust, forgiveness and friendship.