شقيقان توأمان متطابقان ينفصلان عن دار الأيتام. يتبناه ضابط شرطة وزوجته ويصبح لاحقًا شرطيًا، بينما تتبناه راقصة شرقية ويقضي حياته في فقر ويصبح مدمنًا للمخدرات بسبب علاقته بماي ابنة تاجر مخدرات ثري. يلتقي الشقيقان ببعضهما البعض لأول مرة بينما يحاول فارس القضاء على كارتل مخدرات خطير. من ناحية أخرى، يتعين على نبيل اتباع أوامر رؤسائه للتأكد من أن شقيقه لن ينجح في إحباط خططهم.
Two young brothers who are identical twins get separated from the orphanage. Faris is adopted by a police officer and his wife and later becomes a policeman, while Nabil is adopted by a belly dancer and spends his life living in poverty and becomes a drug addict due to his relationship with Mai, the daughter of a rich drug dealer. Both brothers meet each other for the first time as Faris tries to crackdown a dangerous drug cartel. Nabil on the other hand, has to follow orders from his bosses to make sure his brother does not succeed in foiling their plans.