Karasakal hileyle Mersedes’in babasının malvarlığına el koyar ve ölümüne sebep olur. Bununla yetinmeyen Karasakal, Moruk’un çiftliğini de gasp etmeye çalışır. Diğer yandan Dalton kardeşler ise birçok soygun yaparak etrafa korku salarlar. Red Kit, tüm bu olayları çözmek üzere Teksas’ın Ölübol kasabasına gelir. Ancak olaylar hiç de onun beklediği gibi gerçekleşmeyecektir.
The subject of the movie takes place in the Wild West in the 19th century, just like the comic book it was adapted to, telling the story of Red Kit 'Lucky Luke'. Mr. Davis signs a will with his lawyer (Black Beard) to be sent to his daughter Mersedes, who lives in Oklahoma. However, it is written in the document that he has undersigned, that he transferred all his assets to Karasakal (Black Beard). Karasakal (Black Beard) usurps the properties and causes the death of Mersedes' father. After all the harm he has caused, he tries to usurp Moruk's (Old man) land as well. The legendary cowboy Red Kit, which is said to shoot fast weapons even from its shadow, was invited for a job offer by the manager of Wells Fargo company (Ali Demir) in Oklahoma. Increased attacks on mail carts damage the reputation of the company. He accepts the task of protecting the mail cart from Oklahoma to Texas
A Turkish version of the French comic book character Lucky Luke is asked for help in rounding up the Daltons.