The film is set in an unnamed Brazilian small town. Zé do Caixão (Coffin Joe), the local undertaker who disdains religion and emotion and who believes the only thing that matters is the "continuity of the blood" (specifically his own), is looking for the "perfect woman" to bear him a superior child who will be immortal. Since his wife Lenita has been found to be unable to bear children, Coffin Joe begins to make advances with Terezinha, the fiancée of Joe's friend Antonio. Terezinha scolds him by telling him that Antonio is the only man in her life. During a Catholic holiday, Joe kills his wife Lenita (because of her infertility) by tying her up and having a venomous spider bite her. The local authorities cannot find a clue to arrest him and he remains free to do whatever he wants.
O sádico e cruel coveiro Zé do Caixão pretende gerar um filho perfeito para dar continuidade ao seu sangue. No entanto, sua mulher não consegue engravidar e ele acaba violentando a mulher do seu melhor amigo. A moça agredida pelo coveiro quer se suicidar com o intuito de regressar do mundo dos mortos e levar a alma de Zé do Caixão.
Português - Portugal
Português - Brasil