Astérix et Obélix : Au service de Sa Majesté

Vers 50 av. J.-C., Jules César lance une offensive contre la Bretagne et l'emporte facilement en attaquant, chaque jour, à dix-sept heures précises. La reine Cordelia se réfugie dans un petit village, assiégé par les Romains, avec tous les hommes libres de l'île. Voyant que la situation devient critique, elle envoie Jolitorax en Gaule chercher un tonneau de potion magique, l'arme secrète qui permet au village d'Astérix et Obélix de tenir face à l'armée romaine.

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Asterix films (live action)

1 5 vincent2n

Asterix and Obelix is a French live-action film franchise, based on the comic book series of the same name by French comic book artists Albert Uderzo and Rene Goscinny. Just like the comic books, the films focus on the adventures of Asterix and Obelix, two Gauls in Roman-occupied Europe. With the help of a magic potion which causes superhuman strength, the Gaul's tiny village manages to resist Rome.


1 19 vincent2n

Asterix and Obelix is a French animated film franchise, based on the comic book series of the same name by French comic book artists Albert Uderzo and Rene Goscinny. Just like the comic books, the films focus on the adventures of Asterix and Obelix, two Gauls in Roman-occupied Europe. With the help of a magic potion which causes superhuman strength, the Gaul's tiny village manages to resist Rome.

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