Anita lives an abusive life-style with her alcoholic uncle in Kashmir, India who in lieu of money and alcohol attempts to sell her. Fortunately she manages to escape in time only to board a jeep with Nagraj and three of his colleagues who attempt to sexually molest her; when the jeep reaches Srinagar, her call for help gets notice by an employee who works at a near-by gas station, Kishen who manages to rescue her by overpowering Nagraj and his men. Kishen then takes Anita to his house where both fall in love with each other and they get intimate which results in Anita getting pregnant. Before she can give birth; Nagraj closes in on Kishen by raping his sister, Reshmi and in retaliation Kishen attacks but Nagraj manages to abscond not before setting fire to the gas station where Kishen is employed