모순으로 가득 찬 빈곤한 나라에 사는 한 어린 소녀는 가족에 대한 의무와 외국인 방문자들이 미치는 영향 사이에서 갈등한다 [제14회 부산국제어린이청소년영화제]
Mladá dívka žijící v chudé zemi plné protikladů se snaží dostát povinnostem vůči své rodině, ale zároveň podléhá vlivu cizích návštěvníků.
In an impoverished country, rife with contradiction, a young girl is torn between her obligation to her family and the influence of foreign visitors. Ashmina, 13, lives at the outskirts of Pokhara Nepal. Her home, nestled between a beautiful lake and the Himalayas, happens to be the paragliding capital of the world. Forced to skip school, she helps her family make ends meet by working at the landing field in return for small change.