Kurz nachdem sie die drastischen Kürzungen des Wissenschaftsetats der Stadt durchgesetzt hat, verschwindet die Bürgermeisterin spurlos. Die Mannschaft des Apparatspott begibt sich auf Zeitreise, um sie zu retten.
"Apparatspott - we will do this yesterday" is the third feature film in Low German by the Sulingen "Filmemoker". In this episode a secret time tunnel - the Sulingen "Tiedröhrn" (STR) - causes a commotion. During her presentation the town mayor is projected into the past and gets lost. The governmental organisation "B.I.S" (farmers in black) commissions captain Kork and his "Gadget Pot" team to embark on a rescue mission. Due to huge technical problems, however, the rescuers also vanish into past epochs. Here our heroes meet famous figures of the past and take advantage of the opportunity here and there to falsify history