The film revolves around a family of four – a young civil engineer Shekhar (Raghuvaran), his wife, Chitra (Revathi), and their two young children named Arjun (Tarun Kumar) and Anu (Shruti). The movie opens with Chitra giving birth to her third child, but unfortunately the daughter is stillbirth. Two years later, Shekar and his family move to a new apartment complex. The family seems to have moved on from their grief due to the stillborn child incident and live happily. After a few altercations with the kids in the colony, Arjun and Anu are accepted by all the kids as their own. The kids are all for pulling pranks and generally causing a clamor around the apartment colony. One such constant joke, they play on a mentally disabled ex-watchman (Janakaraj) of the colony, much to the chagrin of his wife. The only tenant they are afraid of is an ex-convict (Prabhu Ganesan), who lives alone in one of the apartments.
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