Der als klösterlicher Ziegenhirte aufgewachsene Ahimsika erhält von einem Gott im mittleren Orient des Frühmittelalters den Auftrag, 1.000 Bösewichte zu töten, um so Weisheit und Seelenheil zu erlangen.
- Angulimala - 1000 Menschen müssen sterben
Arhingsaka was born in India to a noble family. Despite his noble birth, his horoscope showed to be born under the sign of thieves, and thus was preordained for a wicked life. On his 16th birthday his father sent him to complete his education and Arhingsaka became the teacher's favorite; the other jealous students told the master that Arhingsaka was flirting with the teachers wife. Deciding to punish his former star pupil, he told Arhingsaka : "You have almost completed your training; there is just one thing left to do. Once you finish your life of suffering will be over, and you will become a Bodhisattva. You must single-handedly kill 1,000 people" Arhingsaka changed: once he was bright and his mind light; he was tall, handsome and muscular. Now he turned grim and ugly, hunched over and plodding. He no longer laughed or spoke and he haunted the forests like a wild animal. He endeavored to complete his task, until an enlightening encounter with the Buddha halted his bloody quest. His