昭和63年(1988),17岁的小混混仓科彻也(曾根英树 饰)受白松组所雇,当街刺杀敌对帮派玉泽组组长钟崎(曾根晴美 饰),他也被判入狱7年。在此期间,社会发生了翻天覆地的变化。1992年日本政府出台《暴力团对策法》,以打击日益严重的黑帮犯罪。在空前压力下,白松组与玉泽组被迫合作,披着合法外衣共同经营。
Seventeen year old Tetsuya kills the boss of a rival gang with the promise of being made. After seven years of prison, he discovers that he is all but forgotten by his Family. The two rival Families have reconciled and Tetsuya was been discarded to keep the peace. Wanted what he was promised, Tetsuya becomes a one-man path of destruction, only to be betrayed once again…