Magnus, ein Barkeeper, hatte einst Freundin und Sohn, aber nun bleibt ihm nur sein geliebter Youngtimer. Als dieser eines Nachts gestohlen wird, beginnt die Jagd auf den Dieb, bei der er seinen Stolz überwindet und neue Beziehungen knüpft.
- Feierabendbier - Der Imperator
- Feierabendbier
Magnus, a barkeeper, has come to terms with his past: he is separated from his ex and their son and spends most of his time with his beloved Youngtimer car. But when one night it is stolen it signals the start of an obsessive hunt for the thief that spins ever more out of control. With the help of the exotic designer Vivian and his pals Dimi and Manfred, Magnus learns to overcome his pride and finally reach out and form new relationships.