The plot revolves around the original (fictional) actors and actresses reprising their roles from the stage. However, contrary to their wishes, the experimental director adapts it into a gritty commentary on British suburban life, despite the fact that the cast (led by Bo Beaumont (Dame Julie Walters)) wants to just have a fun piece with a good tap number. After a disastrous open dress rehearsal, the cast hijacks the concept to return it to its original roots, and take it to the West End, funded by Bo Beaumont's lottery win. The second act is the musical within the musical, and is much more like the original series. Miss Babs (Celia Imrie) and Miss Berta (Sally Ann Triplett) run "Acorn Antiques", and are aided and amused by their friends and cleaner: Mrs. Overall (Walters) and Mr. Clifford (Duncan Preston). Soon, they discover a third sister, Bonnie (Josie Lawrence) who is initially scheming and devious (for instance, she fires Mrs. Overall, even after finding out she's her mother)
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