סרט תעודה שצולם במשך עשרה ימים ומורכב ממעקב על פעילות של ארגון האו"ם בקמפלה, אוגנדה.
Uganda, Abril de 2003. Abbas Kiarostami e o seu assistente Seifollah Samadian, a convite de uma associação humanitária, a FIDA (Fonds International de Développement Agricole) chegam a Kampala. Durante dez dias a sua câmara descobre e acaricia mil rostos de crianças, todas orfãs de pais que morreram de sida. Mostra-nos os risos e as lágrimas, a música e os silêncios, a vida e a morte.
2000年三月,与自己的助手Seifollah Samadian两个人,《何处是我朋友的家》的伊朗导演阿巴斯·克罗斯塔米接受IFAD (International Fund for Agricultural Development)的邀请,来到他不曾到过的所在,非洲。在乌甘达的村落坎帕拉,他的十日之旅,随著两架随身的小机器──数位摄影机,两个人随时拍下了所见所闻,然后,回到伊朗进行后制,就重重叠叠,从写实纪录进入了一种有趣的「虚构」气味。生命与死亡,音乐与沉默,泪水与欢笑,从写实的纪录到洋溢在画格间的诗。他们浑然一体。IFAD这个国际组织,主要是对全世界发起一项伸出援手活动,救助当地居民,由于爱滋病,已经引起成千上万的孤儿,双亲已死,或是丧失配偶,或是随时面临死亡荫影的小孩。阿巴斯以他一贯和小孩相处的热度,以轻便俭约,因而高度灵活的数位摄影机,敏锐的捕捉所有的细节,从自然风景到人的风景──一张张最美丽的脸。
Abbas Kiarostami and his assistant, Seifollah Samadian, travel to Kampala, Uganda at the request of the UN's International Fund for Agricultural Development. For ten days, their camera captures and caresses the faces of a thousand children - all orphans - whose parents have died of AIDS. Recording tears and laughter, music and silence, life and death, the film attests to Africa's sunny resilience in the face of so much suffering and disease.
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