Twenty six year old Anil Bagchi has been a timid person from his childhood. He works in an insurance company in Dhaka and lives in a house with others. His school teacher father and the only elder sister Atoshi live in their village Rupeshwar. His mother had died at his birth. The idealist and honest father has tried to imbue his ideals in Anil. The old man loves nature and believes that there are certain manifestations of nature that no artist can capture in paint these can only be felt at the depth of ones heart. Atoshi loves a young man who is a Muslim, but cannot tell anyone about it. She keeps it as a secret to herself.It is towards the middle of 1971 when Dhaka is a besieged city. The brutal Pakistani occupation keeps everyones nerves on the edge. One day very early in the morning Anil receives a letter from the Head Master of Rupeshwar School. The Head Master informs him that his father had been killed by the Pakistani military and that Atoshi was staying with him
어릴 적부터 소심한 성격이었던 26세 청년 아닐 박치. 다카의 보험회사에서 근무하며 다른 사람들과 함께 한 집에서 생활한다. 학교선생님인 아버지와 하나뿐인 누이도 같은 마을에서 지낸다. 그의 어머니는 그를 출산한 직후 사망했다. 누구보다도 완벽하고 정직하던 아버지는 본인의 사상을 아닐에게 심으려 한다. 아버지는 자연을 매우 사랑하는 사람으로, 어느 예술가도 작품 속에 포착해 넣을 수 없는 자연 징후들이 있고 오직 가슴 깊이에서만 자연을 느낄 수 있다고 믿는다. 아토시라는 여성은 무슬림 청년을 사랑하지만 어는 누구에게도 말할 수 없다.