Remake of Architecture 101, a Korean film released in 2012.
Ibuki, an 18 year old aspiring architect, attends art university where he meets the beautiful and charming Yuna. While learning about Japanese fine architecture, they fall in love with each other. Before they break each other’s hearts, Ibuki had promised Yuna to build her a home one day.19 years later, Yuna suddenly reappears in front of Ibuki. She is going through a divorce and is taking care of her ill father-in-law. She asks Ibuki to build her a house in Nishiizu because it is known for its beautiful sunsets and view over Mount Fuji and the Southern Alps.During the process, they slowly rekindle their feelings for each other.
2002年、建築家を目指して都内の大学に通う18歳の伊吹は、美しくチャーミングな女性・李由梛と出会う。 二人は日本の繊細な建築を辿りながら、忘れられないひとときを過ごす。 「将来、私の家を建ててね」そんな他愛ない約束だけを残して砕け散った二人の恋。 それから19年、長い空白の時間を経て、離婚・父の病気など人生の苦悩を背負った由梛は、突然伊吹の前に現れる。 そして、夕陽の街とも言われ、南アルプスと富士山を眺める絶景の西伊豆町に家を建てて欲しいと依頼する。 あの頃秘めていた想いを答え合わせするように、二人の距離は縮まっていくー。