Al termine della guerra di Secessione, il colonnello sudista Thomas Blake a capo di una banda di malviventi semina il terrore nelle regioni di confine tra Stati Uniti e Messico. Lo scopo principale di Blake è quello di recuperare una cassa contenente duecentomila dollari, nascosta dal generale sudista Beauregard. Un giorno al colonnello si presenta un certo Stewart che sostiene di conoscere il luogo dove si nasconde il tesoro. Superata l'iniziale diffidenza Blake accetta di seguire l'uomo.
El ex coronel sudista Thomas Blake, que no acepta el final de la Guerra de Secesión, recluta a un grupo de bandidos que bajo bandera rebelde se dedicarán a saquear el territorio. Un enigmático pistolero se une a sus filas y propondrá a Blake recuperar un botín enterrado por el general Beauregard en un cementerio... Dirigida por Enzo G. Castellari bajo el seudónimo de E. G. Rowland.
- 7 Winchester para una matanza
- Pagado con Sangre
It's 1867 Texas. The American Civil War has ended but a handful of Confederate commanders and their units refuse to accept defeat and surrender. One of these commanders is Colonel Thomas Blake. He and his men raid the farms, towns and settlements where Yankees live. Rumors abound about Colonel Blake having gone insane. Many claim that Blake robs and kills for his own pleasure and personal gain rather than in the name of Confederacy. The authorities post huge rewards for the capture or killing of Colonel Blake and his men. However, Blake is shrewd and hard to entrap. He too wants money. More specifically, Colonel Blake is after the 200 thousand dollars that vanished in the final days of the war from the Confederate coffers. The money was last seen in the strong box of Confederate General Beauregard. Blake sends a trusted aide, Chamaco Gonzales, to inquire among the Confederate veterans and disbanded soldiers about the whereabouts of General Beauregard's strong box. But Chamaco is ...
- Payment in Blood
- Sept winchester pour un massacre
- Blake's Marauders
- Renegade Riders
Alors que la guerre de Sécession touche à sa fin, le colonel Blake, à la tête d'une horde de soldats sudistes et de pillards, se livre à de nombreuses exactions contre les Nordistes. Un jour, Blake apprend qu'il existe un trésor de guerre amassé pour financer l'insurrection des Confédérés. Seul problème : la cachette se situe en territoire indien...
- 7 Winchester pour un massacre
Texas, 1867. Blake, een ex-kolonel, gaat met zijn bende plunderend en rovend het land door. Stuart, die één van zijn mensen van de Federalen heeft gered, zoekt de kolonel op in zijn Mexicaanse schuilplaats en stelt hem voor dat zij op speurtocht gaan naar een grote som geld waarvan hij alleen weet waar het zich bevindt...
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