主演・本田翼 × 恋愛映画の名手・新城毅彦監督が贈る、王道のラブコメディ。杉野遥亮、山本舞香、鷲見玲奈、濱津隆之、野村周平ら魅力あふれる個性派キャストが集結! 合コンもなければ飲み会もなくて…とにかくどこにも出会いがない! そんな現代の男女がリモートでつながる新たな出会いの場“マッチングアプリ”。もともと何の関係もない男女が出会う“アプリ”の世界には、駆け引きもあれば、写真の加工やプロフィールの“盛り”もあり、時に驚きの出会いもある。アプリで恋する条件とは―? みんなの「知りたい」が詰まった笑って、キュンして、ホロリとくる、6人の男女が織りなすリッチなラブコメディ誕生!
28-year-old Kase Taeko (Honda Tsubasa) works at an event company and is fed up with a life where she is always “not selected”. Even on this day, she gets a dressing down from her CEO Itokawa Hiroki (Hamatsu Takayuki) for a mistake that she made at the company. When she returns home, her boyfriend tells her that he wants to break up. Taeko starts using a dating app at the recommendation of Takagi Haruto (Nomura Shuhei), a cafe employee that she knows. Although she has difficulty getting “likes” even on the app, she is eventually matched with Hasegawa Makoto (Sugino Yosuke), a man with good specs, after some instructions from Haruto who is a self-proclaimed app expert. Taeko prepares thoroughly for her first date. But Makoto is surly and says a lot of offensive things even though he looks handsome. She has the worst impression of him.
- 20 Conditions to Date with an App